Glass Books and Periodicals

* Updated June 14, 2014 *

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This list is in no way comprehensive and is listed in no particular order. Suggestions are welcome.
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Glass Books


Glass Books - (The somewhat more technical type)



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This is Brian Kerkvliet, a well known beadmaker who had a copy of my books and periodicals page embedded in one of his web pages as though he was the author of it. When I discovered it and complained, he told me I should be flattered that he liked it enough to steal it and post it on his website. Normally, I hate animated GIFs, but I am quite fond of this one.

*Disclaimer: In order to keep things honest and above board, I want to let you know that now, if you use the search engine or one of my links to click through to Amazon.com, and buy the book while you are there, I will receive a (very) small percentage of the selling price. Which means that, unlike when I recommended them before, now they do give me something. But, I found out about this program more than a year after writing the recommendation above, so any compensation I may receive now had nothing to do with that original recommendation. I was buying books from Amazon.com long before now and I will continue buying from them in the future, compensation or none.

The flip side of this is that if you like my website and you are going to buy a book (or video, CD, or tape) from Amazon.com anyway, you can help support the time and effort that I spend on this website by clicking through to them from here. But if they don't have it in stock and someplace else does, by all means, buy it from the place that has it. Thanks.

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the URL of this page is: handmade-glass.com/books.html